Monday, April 08, 2024
crisis on infinite earths 1-4
Interesting ghoice to have the plot, thus far, revolve around new characters. I was going to call them boring characters, but is only Monitor really lacks any recognizable human conflict. Pariah gets the most immdiat sympathy from witnessing the tragedy of countless worlds being destroyed/ Harbinger has the conflict of being controlled by their great enemy, not being able to anything about it. The Monitor is a manager with extrodinary poor commitions skills. Many superheroe and villans appear, and do very little, except the ones who die heroicly.
Sunday, October 02, 2005

"Cerebus is only going to drink until the right side of his gut starts to hurt...
"... And then Cerebus will drink faster to kill the pain.
"Like that time Cerebus almost died in Tansubal...
"Cerebus quit drinking that time ...
"For an afternoon.
"Almost a whole day.
"Only because Cerebus passed out at dusk and didin't wake up 'til noon..."
Cerebus, Church and State by Dave Sim
(photo from Associated Press)
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